Twitter Ad revenue share ~ monetization programm. Elon bucks are payed to content-creators for reaching a high impression count on their tweets, as they also managed to deliver more Ads that way.
In proper response to the sudden increase of a certain type of Tweets, Twitter simply was calles "X" ever since. No particular reason or insinuation.
"Whats wrong with Twitter nowadays? All I see is shit-posts, engagement-bait and memes."
"Elon bucks bro."
Twitters Ad revenue share ~ monetization programm. Elon bucks are payed to content-creators for reaching a high Impression count on their tweets, thereby also being responsible for more Ads being shown.
In proper response to the sudden increase of a certain type of Tweets, Twitter was simply called "X" ever since. No particular reason or insinuation.
"Whats wrong with Twitter nowadays? All I see is shit-posts, engagement-bait and memes."
"Elon bucks bro."