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They are actually good people...We are a peaceful and loving religion, but because of some douchebags out there, our reputation is living in the crapper. Just saying, those people (terrorists) are not classified as muslims to us...why dont you sit down and read the Quran? Is there anything saying that you are suppossed to do terrorism? No. it says any act of murder, crime, or terrorism is against the religion. And lemme get this straight, Allah means god in arabic guys! its not some other wierd idol we beleive in its god! just like christians, jews, etc. etc. why be prejudous? now the people who are gonna dislike this are just sum big mouthed people that wont even look into considering that we arent bad people...they just say we are trash and we should all die? how do you think that makes us feel? I live in america and when i tell someone im muslim, they back away...and call me a terrorist..im used to it and so are all the other muslims..but we really shudnt be used to it..it is not right guys..People that look down on us, are people that dont wanna get off their lazy asses and learn more about us...u wanna think whos trash? Micheal Jackson is a pure muslim...is he a terrorist? is he trash? T-Pain is a muslim too...and so much more people that we look up to...just agree we arent really that bad..we just seem that way until people open their eyes and face reality..

Guy 1: OMFG! your a muslim? stay away!
Guy 2: Give me a chance man..dont be like the others...were all brothers in the end...Muslims or not..

by B-dogrox.crazy October 16, 2011

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