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a simple way to say no way or yeah right...
may be used as every word in a conversation with both parties understanding

bill: well my car makes like 115 horsepower
me: no
bill: but the exhaust and air filter give it like 1 or 2
me: duuuuuuuuuude

bill: well she was pretty hot
me: duuuuuuuuude

by BATWINGS_07 July 31, 2006

23👍 8👎

fart cannon

a large "N-1 style" muffler usually attached to import cars. manufacturers usually claim it adds power to cars, however it may adversely affect performance of a car due to lack of necesary backpressure in a cars exhaust. The result of these mufflers is a high decible exhaust that makes the car have less power at low rpms. usually purchased by people who think their car is good when it is actually a pos. Fart canons are a major status symbol in the world of ricers, the louder your 93 horsepower import.... the cooler.

wow look at the fart cannon on that civic.... what a poser

by BATWINGS_07 July 31, 2006

159👍 25👎

don vito

going don vito is to start babbling incoherently to the point where it cannot be translated. words become grunts and sounds such as seen on viva la bam when don vito becomes angry or excited

yeah bill was trying to tell a story then he went all don vito

by BATWINGS_07 July 31, 2006

177👍 41👎


1. a powerful mythical kung fu sword wielded by an invincible congregation of warriors

2. a very popular rap group with extremely explicit lyrics

1. a combination of shoalin shadowboxing and the wu-tang sword style could be lethal

2. wu-tang clan aint nothin to fuck with

by BATWINGS_07 August 14, 2006

125👍 25👎