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Comes from the latin pre - before and krunk - to be drunk/fucked up/stoned

The first drinks of the night administered at home or a home base e.g friends house.

Something to get the wheels turning and susposedly to save money at the bar (although has never been scientificaly proven to do so since prekrunking usually just leads to more mindless shots)

Jones wouldn't have been so drunk if it wasn't for the prekrunks he had before we went out

by BDef March 18, 2004

5👍 5👎


To take a shit or piss.

More specifically used to describe the need to take a shit or piss because of drinking aka numerous rechrages.

BDef always has a few prekrunks before he goes out inorder to decharge at home and not at the bar.

I'll meet you at the next bar I gota go decharge in that ally.

by BDef March 18, 2004

2👍 4👎


see prekrunk

To have drinks aka recharge before heading out to get krunk

Usually used as a noun whereas prekrunk is used mostly as a verb. Although prekrunk is the preferred synonym, precharge will be used more often contextually with recharge

Make me a prechrage before we go out.

Usually used when calling out a prekrunk beverage or to get it going.. "PRECHRAGE!!"

by BDef March 18, 2004