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A widely known person and practiced religion. Is known to be a wizard and a zombie. Even though he is a zombie he is also a zombie killer. He constantly drops things the day before the Regents and can finish a test in any subject within seconds by waving his Bijwand and saying "BIJAKAZAM" or "ALAKABIJ". With his sorcery he can make you do anything at will. He also is referenced in almost every song ever made. He has a love for Chosen, Subway, and Arnold Palmer's. He is BIJ. He is the most interesting man on the face of the Earth. As BIJ always says "stay Bijie my friends."

"WOW! That's BIJ!"

"All I do is BIJ BIJ BIJ no matta what. Got zombies on my mind, I can never get enough"

"Imma BIJ imma BIJ imma imma imma BIJ"

" 'OMG! Why is there is stab wound in your chest?!'
'BIJ used he's wizard powers to force me to do it' "

" 'Hey man, why did you drop out of the class the day before the Regents?'
'I pulled a BIJ bro' "

by BIJZOMBIEKILLER November 30, 2011

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