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A grunger is a scruffy tramp who thinks they're better than everyone else.

Grungers wear shite clothes such as baggy jeans that are 5 sizes too big for them, with dog chains hanging off the side, and raggy black t-shirts or black hoodies with a band name on it. The girls are usually ugly with raggy hair and the boys usually have long, greasy hair.

The listen to crap like Slipknot, Cradle of Filth and Marilyn Manson.

They usually go onto internet sites like this and many others, slagging off charvers because they wouldn't dare say it to their faces in real life because they'd get the shite kicked out of them as they can't fight or stick up for themselves.

They also think they're 'individuals', even though all the other grungers dress exactly the same as them and act like them. Stupid wankers.

Grunger: You laugh at me 'coz I'm different
Me: No, you just think you are.

by BaBiDoLl August 30, 2005

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