An over-enthusiastic, doting, proud mother of of a gay person, the PFLAG Mom manifests herself in many borderline-embarrassing ways, from buying her child exclusively gay themed books and movies on birthdays to writing letters to the editor and attending marches on behalf of her son/daughter "who happens to be gay and of whom we are SO PROUD!"
The gay children of the PFLAG Mom realize that she means well, and understand that being subjected to Thanskgiving table discussions about gaydar while dad shifts uncomfortably in his seat are preferable to being the child of homophobes, but often can't help feeling patronized. In a reversal from convention, the children of the PFLAG Mom sometimes say they wish their mother would "tone it down a bit."
"You should see all the cheesy rainbow magnets my mother put on her car. I mean it's sweet, but, God, she's just *such* a PFLAG Mom."
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