When a straight man calls a gay man who continuously hits on them "dude." This is usually done when the gay man does not respect that the straight man is straight and/or that they are in a relationship. However, it can also be done right at the beginning of any type of interaction between a good-looking straight man and a gay man to establish boundaries.
Guy about to be dude-zoned: "How fitting that your middle initial is D... hee hee hee"
Guy placing them in dudezone: "well yeah dude, my middle name is Darmesh so..."
Guy about to dude-zoned: "Omg! You're going to a party, I'd love to go with you!"
Guy placing them in dude-zone: "yeah dude... I'll let you know where it's at next time me and my girlfriend go."
When a straight man calls a gay man who continuously hits on them "dude." This is usually done when the gay man does not respect that the straight man is straight and/or that they are in a relationship. However, it can also be done right at the beginning of any type of interaction between a good-looking straight man and a gay man to establish boundaries.
Guy about to be dude-zoned: "How fitting that your middle initial is D... hee hee hee"
Guy playing them in dudezone: "well yeah dude, my middle name is Daniel so..."