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Carmen is most likely to be a Latina . She’s pretty but she’s self centered she thinks the world revolves around her . Talented but doesn’t know how to put those talents to use . Overthinker . Depressed . Fake. Selfish . Hypocrite, will talk bad about something that someone does or has but will be the first one to get it in a heart beat . Not humble like at all . Smart . Manipulative. Impulsive .

Carmen should remove her head out of her ass .

by Babiesshouldruletheworld November 23, 2021

En olla

“En olla ” , is a Dominican phrase / way of saying “I’m broke”

GUY1: coño mi hermano ‘toy en olla

TRANSLATION: damn bro I’m broke .

by Babiesshouldruletheworld November 23, 2021


Mia , hm let me tell you a little about Mia . She’s a girl that’s very much an introvert, enjoys being at home , likes to binge watch movies/shows , has a great taste of music , likes to draw ,Oh and she loves food . She also feels lonely most of the time like she’s surrounded by many people yet feels alone , i hope one day she could see how BEAUTIFUL she is and that she shouldn’t compare herself to anyone . She has really pretty eyes , she’s kind , understanding oh and a very good listener , she’s funny and can be a bit dirty minded😂. But she’s a great girl , a girl trying to figure out the meaning of her life , her purpose, a girl who worries about her future even though deep down she knows she meant for so much more . She tends to act “cold hearted” and that she “doesn’t ” believe in love , but to me I think she feels that way because she hasn’t fallen in love with anyone yet so she feels like it’s not meant for her . But I know that one day she will meat someone that’s going to make her happy and won’t let her down . I know that one day she is going to be someone great, successful and happy .

GIRL1: hey! Do you know Mia ?

BOY1: hey , yeah I know her she’s my friend.

by Babiesshouldruletheworld November 22, 2021