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Fucking asshole. They never there for you, can be annoying, but they cute. Never trust a guy naned Aristejas 'cuz he's not a trustworthy man. Tall, cute, fun but doesn't deserve any women.

- omg look at that guy!
-ew, no. His name is Aristejas. He might be cute and all, but he's not worth it.

by Babyyidasfather November 21, 2021


Girls naned Ermita are really pretty and aren't afraid of anything. She's an icon, and everyone is jealous of her. She could be a model because her body figure is next level. Ermita could easily break your heart, but she isn't that kind of woman. Ermita's don't cry as much as other girls because her heart is unbreakable and they don't like when people see them crying, if they do cry, they won't let anyone see them, but if you're a really close friend they won't find a problem with that.

-dudee, look at that girl! She's so damn gorgeous! But I bet I could break her heart easily.
-who? Ermita? Yeah yeah, good luck. Her heart is unbreakable, by trying you'll end up with a broken heart.

by Babyyidasfather November 21, 2021