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Chaos Servers

Chaos Servers are a type of Server in the Roblox Game "Flood Escape 2" in which is very chaotic. There are a maximum of 40 Players, in which could cause lots of lag.

Chaos Servers are known to have extremely cursed chats, childs complaining about hackers, people begging to gift, lag, people begging to boost, spammers, people being lazy, and overall a very chaotic experience just like the name suggests; Chaos Servers.

Chaos Servers definition is just to be actual Chaos, more than that. Chats are known to have a chat be like "LAZY!!" "HACKER!!!!" "OMG HES HACKING" "LAZY LAZY LAZY" "STOP BEING LAZY!!" "STOP HACKING!!" "LAGGGGG" "BOOST!!!" "GIFT!!!!!" "STOP SPAMMING!!!"

by Backjump April 29, 2022