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The belief that every action or idea is caused by some "-ism" or "-phobia" in order to place blame on an individual or group. A scapegoat to deflect from the real conversation to portray the individual or group as morally inferior to silence them entirely. The act of artificially placing someone on a moral high ground, which commonly attracts sheep to defend that high ground without any thought.

The most common form of "-ism" is racism.

Common Examples of Ismism:

-"The child murderer who was sentenced to life in prison is clearly an example of institutionalized racism in the nation because he was black."
-"Not everything is because of racism, stop being an ismist."

"No I will not debate my beliefs with you, you clearly are a racist even though nothing you said was racist. I am just scared that my point of view will be challenged and put through a rational lense."

"Yes, air-conditioning is a result of white supremacy."

"Saying male and females are different is just transphobic, yes I know biology says that but biology is run by transphobes."

by BadTimeToGetLost March 28, 2021

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Someone who believes that everything must be caused by an "-ism". Regardless of any evidence of an "-ism", this person will claim that that "-ism" MUST be the cause. Typically used with negative "-isms" in order to have an excuse to ignore the opposing argument. Commonly done when you have nothing else to say and want to feel victimized.

"Most Twitter users are ismists, every day there is something trending with racism or sexism even though it has no relevance."

"Stacey was called an ismist for being offended on behalf of another group, even though that group wasn't offended in the first place."

"Ismists Anonymous is another word for Reddit."

by BadTimeToGetLost March 28, 2021

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Hivemind Fallacy

The false assumption that a person who belongs to some arbitrary group definition must therefore think like the stereotypical archetype of that group.

"Just because he's from California doesn't mean he subscribes to its politics; that's just a hivemind fallacy."

by BadTimeToGetLost March 21, 2023


Another word for pedophile. Coined by the popular meme app iFunny where it would censor "pedo" into "ferret" and therefore became a widespread meme in the app.

iFunny mods are ferretphiles because they love children.

by BadTimeToGetLost October 13, 2020

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Below 100 Club

The echelon of intelligence where one has an IQ of less than 100. The morons who believe they are an expert in every subject and believe their opinion is more valid and/or unanimously shared among their peers. They believe that constantly calling something what they believe it is means that it objectively must be that thing. Jealousy, ignorance, or idiocy can be the root cause of this elite club.

"What is it with baseball that triggers the Below 100 Club?"

"Twitter just won an award for being the number one site that contains members of the Below 100 Club."

by BadTimeToGetLost June 16, 2020