The Sky Pony is a fast-growing alternate means of referring to the collective network formerly known as âThe Internetâ. It has its roots in The Pony as a (formerly) fast means of transmitting data. i.e., The Pony Express, Paul Revereâs preferred means of locomotion. Radar Love predated The Sky Pony yet they share the same family tree.
Pony up is coming to mean the same as logging in.
Bobby: I donât even know where to start looking for paper clips made of paper.
Brenton: What barn were you born in? Look it up on The Sky Pony!
Tipper: Come to bed, Al Whatâs so much more fascinating about your computer than me?.
Al: Iâll be right there babe. Iâm inventing The Sky Pony!
Old white US Senator: increasing Sky Pony access to rural America is our highest priority.