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The #1 feeling in the world. Its better then getting drunk or having a orgasm. Its...the shit. There's no way to describe it, its a different experience for everyone. Its always way more fun to get blazed with a few friends then it is to alone. I'll always get more paranoid when i'm alone, ill talk in a whisper and say "fuck" alot. Unlike alot of other people i dont get the munchies, i get mad thirsty. I also have the ability to Fast Walk. I can close my eyes, and imagine accelerating to light speed when I need to walk somewhere fast. And even though its fun to get baked and chill on the couch, doing everyday things or even just getting outside and doing shit is like 10x more awesome. Its sketchy as fuck trying to talk to people who arent high when you are. You not only hear music, but see it as well.

Person 1: Hey I have a dime of headies, wanna get mega high?
Person 2: Hell yah bro!
*smokes weed*
Person 2: Now lets snort some crack!
Person 1: Crazy ass bitch. *shoots person 2 out of pity*

by BallinBiznatch July 29, 2010

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