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Anything desired so strongly that possessing/achieving THAT SPECIFIC THING becomes an obsession in the mind of the desirer, an obsession that compels them to go to absurd, even destructive, even self-destructive lengths to acquire the thing, sometimes ignoring easier options in the process. The ends do NOT justify the means here, but they "gotta have that butt-iron". Taken from the science video where it is explained how much magnetic force Magneto would have to exert to extract the iron from the guard in X-Men II; long before he could have extracted it, he would have exerted enough magnetic force to escape several times over, but he's "gotta have that butt-iron"

Me: Dude! Why do you need THAT car? We passed three dealerships on the way! I think we ran over a guy back there!
You: I gotta have that butt-iron! I gotta!

by Balloonie-cat1 August 31, 2022


Verb: to pipe-wrench
1) To bash away at a problem as if banging on it with a pipe wrench or other heavy object, applying possible solutions arbitrarily until one works or worse, taking arbitrary actions until the problem becomes solved by one of them
2) To angrily coerce a piece of software or machinery into functioning as intended as though beating it into submission with a wrench

1) I could use some help - I'm just pipe-wrenching this code right now
2) Zoom is working now - I had to pipe-wrench it by turning it off and on again and again

by Balloonie-cat1 October 22, 2020


1) The act of deliberately wasting the audience's time for "comedic" effect
2) The act of excruciatingly drawing out a dead joke in the vain hope that this will somehow make it funny
3) The author(s) taunting the audience for their own amusement

I wish TV shows would stop Mcfarlanding; it hasn't gotten any better since Seth McFarland did it in his shows

by Balloonie-cat1 March 19, 2023


This is not to discount the other meanings, but here's one that's been overlooked, it seems:
1) The act of fixing or building something by tinkering, prodding, poking, and twiddling it until it looks the way it should or does what it ought to do. The act of solving a problem in a very make-shift, seat-of-the-pants way rather than proceeding with any sort of plan or forethought. Jiggery-pokery is all about "Good enough"
2) A very informal, vague process for doing a thing - there's no step-by-step thing you do to get the result you want, you just apply the jiggery-pokery until it starts making the noise and doing the thing

Possibly, this comes from literally "jiggering" (jiggling) and "pokering" (poking) a thing until it comes together or starts to work or both.

1) I just used a bit of jiggery-pokery and I got your phone working again; I majored in jiggery-pokery in college, I did.
2) Careful with the coffee machine - you need a bit of jiggery-pokery to get it working.

by Balloonie-cat1 October 24, 2020

7👍 2👎