Source Code

50 pounds

A person who bends over, thus offering themself to another.

If you were to see someone in a supermarket who is bending over to pick something up.... 50 pounds.

by Baltic11111 October 20, 2007

7👍 3👎


Fit as fuck.

Check that bird out she's FAF!

by Baltic11111 May 16, 2009

10👍 12👎

Dodds’d it

When you fuck something up tremendously.

Dave: bollocks! I’ve just put petrol in my electric car!

Trevor: mate wtf! You’ve proper Dodds’d it you thick piece of cunt!

by Baltic11111 December 27, 2021

Flake Wilson

Someone that agrees to do something then when the time comes backs out of it and has committed to do something else because he/she has totally forgot.

Adam: Hey, are you still ok to help me on Friday as agreed?

Kurk: Arhhh shit, I can’t… I’m now too busy because I got a better offerz

Adam: You fucking flake Wilson!

by Baltic11111 October 18, 2022

Tight Spice

Someone who has alot of money and doesn't like spending it, not even on himself.

Barry "I'm short of 10p on the parking meter, have you got any change"

Frank "I've got 20p, don't worry about it"

20 minutes later...

Frank "Well where's my 10 pence, mehh mehh"

Barry "What a fucking tight spice

by Baltic11111 May 16, 2009

3👍 1👎