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An irrational fear of element 6 of the periodic table, from which all organic life is based. Promoted by such great bastions of scientific research such MTV, Current TV, and Al Gore.

Currently a source of great hysteria. Carbophobia has reached such levels its become its own religion. It rewards believers and punishes infidels and has its own apocalyptic end of the world scenario.

Often a substitute for deeper personal issues regarding the dislike of other human beings, their ability to warm themselves, cook, and transport themselves through the use of this element. and when faced with conflicting science, victims of carbophobia are prone to religious like reflexes and seek to punish disbelievers by excommunication and ridicule. Viewed by many government figures as a convenient source of new tax funds.

by Bamboo_bends November 7, 2009

23👍 8👎


To be Machiavellian in a religious context. Deceitful and manipulative religious control. To split up a group of religious believers through divide and conquer tactics in order to gain control of assets. To determine a faiths doctrine based on marketing criteria.

The excommunication of that respected deacon was truly Tkachian.

Only a Tkachian would espouse those beliefs.

by Bamboo_bends October 6, 2009

3👍 1👎