Source Code


1.When a man blindfolds a chick, tucks his wang behind his legs and backs up into a BJ. After insertion he proceeds to rip ass on her nose.

2. A 3 step process.
(Step 1) The Preparation.
- the man blindfolds the female. This completing the "FOG".
(Step 2) The Entry. (also called "the Forklift")
- the man tucks his penis behind his legs and steers himself in reverse into the womans mouth for oral sex from the rear. *reverse truck sounds can be made for heavier set males*
**caution: failure to hit target perfectly could result is serious injury**
(Step 3) The Prestige.
- After the penis enters the mouth the man's asscrack should line up perfectly with her nose, and proceed to rip a clean one. Thus completeing the "HORN".

One must master the art of the forklift before he even attempts the art of the Foghorn.

See Forklift

I once gave a homeless chick a foghorn to wake her up for the bus.

I missed the forklift and screwed that foghorn up.

Nailed the forklift, sounded the foghorn, and damn it was good.

by Bananacognac April 26, 2007

42👍 28👎


1.the man tucks his penis behind his legs and steers himself in reverse into the womans mouth for oral sex from the rear. *reverse truck sounds can be made for heavier set males*
**caution: failure to hit target perfectly could result is serious injury**

2. Step 2 in the process of the foghorn.

See foghorn.

I forklifted that chick and she didn't even see it comming.

I tried to forklift that chick, but she wouldn't budge.

I fell down while attempting a forklift and was in the hospital for 3 weeks.

by Bananacognac April 26, 2007

23👍 15👎