An ice cream sandwich with an ice cream scoop and half a doughnut on top
Similar to mansplaining but with a teenager who firmly believes he/she/they know everything, and are therefore obligated to explain it to you. Often accompanied with an eye roll followed by stomping and a door slam.
(Mom and Teenager watching Home Alone)
Teen: Mom, wait until you see what happens when the power goes out.
Mom: You mean when their phone lines are down?
Teen: Did know that phones went down back then?
Mom: Yes.
Teen: Well, it was because there weren't cell phones and they had phone calls go through wires.
Mom: I know. I was a kid at the time.
Teen: But this is different, Mom. You just don't understand! (Eye roll / stomp away)
Mom: I cannot believe he just teensplaining me about something I experienced 30 years before he existed! How does he think she automatically knows more than me and has to explain it?