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Jonisha is a lady who believes in god.she enjoys church very much. Hard to get to know but in the end she will be one if the most realest friends you ever meant she will never leave your side no matter how much you've hurted her. She is so silly. She fears bugs. When she likes someone she sticks with that person. She is shy at time. She could get a little stubborn. She cannot stand in one place. she is deeply in love with food. When it comes to her friends she chooses to go last in everything if you find yourself a jonisha your very lucky to have her.

So I just meant this girl named jonisha aye she's pretty cool

A Jonisha? You got you a Jonisha your so lucky don't ever switch up on you she will tell you like it is and she is the most loyal person you'll ever meet.

by Band.bae August 15, 2017


A big boned girl who couldn't care fucking less about what other people think she's been to hell and back no doubt her she has someone in her family that's not living right but she is still strong after all she's been through
•get y'all self a Jashina she will keep yo ass motivated.
• if you ain't negative she's yo girl
•don't get on her bad side she can fuck a bitch up

Bruh omm you gotz yo self a Jashina good I'm proud of you she's a keepa

by Band.bae August 15, 2017