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Fundie Baby Voice

A type of speech pattern learned and adopted by grown women of extreme (typically evangelical ) Christian belief.

It's characterized as an overtly effeminate, high-pitched but breathy tone popular among fundamentalist circles and the online tradwife fad. Not to be construed as a natural accent, Fundie Baby Voice is less of a dialect and more of a signal. As this isn't how most adult women naturally speak. It's a signal the woman shows off among her male partner/husband with fellow practitioners of that faith of exactly where she knows she lands on the family dynamic.

Simply put, the woman talks literally in the pitch of a child because that's what's expected a wife to be like among her peers.

It's an adopted throwback from a time behind the 1950s and the "traditional" family unit. No sense of equal partnership there, just pure submission.

Any and all big decisions and responsibilities for the family? That's always and only at the husband's discretion. No use for the wife to give an opinion or advice on anything; none for the family, or for the wife's own personal life or wellbeing. Just focus on all the cooking, cleaning, child-rearing, and popping out more kids. Do all the weekly/daily praying to God or Jesus, and hope the husband is in a good mood for the day.

That's really all what that voice style is meant to prove.

I went in to watch the 2024 State of the Union address and the following rebuttal in order to get a handle on the current state of U.S. politics, and all I really remember from it is hearing a creepy 40 year old woman talk about gang rape in explicit detail all in that Fundie Baby Voice.

by Banjooooo March 13, 2024