Dimitra ( mitsena ) is the sexiest person alive. She has short hair, that she likes to color every 5 days. She gets mad very easily and it usually doesn't end well for some people. She has an enemie to lover type relationship with a guy named Konstantino. She is also married to a girl that's extremely seggsy named Barbara.
Konstantinos: Darling, how are you?
Dimitra: Shut up
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Loki is the sexiest man on all the 9 realms. He will probably edge you and overstimulate you while degrading and praising you.
Loki:Such a good little slit for me, aren't you pet?
Y/n:Yes! Only for you Loki!
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Everyone has mixed for Konstantino. Sometimes you will have nice conversation with him and then he starts moaning thinking its funny.
-You and your friends talking-
Konstantinos:Aaahhhh harder
Everyone: Wtf-
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