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Name typically used by pedos online in order to avoid any problems they may face by using their real names.

Barto: EDP show us your cock
EDP445: fucking chili fries dude

by Barto445 February 14, 2022


A jobless freak that spends 80% of his day on Twitter. Mod is a Chelshit fan and a prominent member of football twitter (FT). He is commonly referred to as Celebrity Man after he made a paid service just to talk to him. ($2.99 per month!) 💀💀💀 Btw if u mention that to him you'll get insta-blocked even tho man has 300k followers or something 😹😹😹

Did you see that CFC Mod posted another shirtless pic on IG?

Yeah he even added Way Too Sexy as the song bruv 😭😭😭

by Barto445 March 21, 2022

39👍 6👎