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The result of having a male ejaculate in one's eye. Also known as the 'hot monocle'

Steve has pinkeye, he got a hot monocle last nigt.

by Baulchy666 August 17, 2009

275👍 142👎

Hot monocle

The result of ejaculating in another persons eye. Also known as 'pink eye'.

I gave your mother a hot monocle last night.

by Baulchy666 August 17, 2009

9👍 3👎

Draw an Ace

To wipe the arse after a shit very thoroughly with consecutive pieces of toilet paper, until the last wipe is shit free. To ensure the anus is completely free of poo after a dump.

I am fastidious regarding my anal hygeine. I always ensure I draw an Ace after taking a shit.

by Baulchy666 December 21, 2008

13👍 7👎