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extremely forgiving, understanding, and kind. Is dying inside all the time but hides it, she energetic, and has a boyfriend named jack but is scared of other people if they are not happy for her. She is very lovable, she loves theatre she loves singing, and dancing music and art. She comes off as happy she is a major sweetheart. She also scared of people because she is afraid that they are not happy for her. Dont live in box like saron, dont loose the people and things you love because of others.

Wow saron really nice
person from the back: shes suffering from severe mental illness and she lost her boyfriend to fear of others jealousy.

by Bazzare September 27, 2020

7👍 6👎


there are two types of jealousy the good (normal jealousy) and bad jealousy; the good person jealousy comes from impulse such a normal things like fear of loosing a significant other/your parents giving more attention to your siblings; the evil type of jealousy comes from seeing someone doing better than you, having that bother them wanting to make you look bad to make themselves look good. This bad type of jealousy does not cause this person pain instead it is coming from a place where they do not like the fact that you are doing better than them , this is why bad type jealous people say, "im better than you," it is different however if it comes from a victim being hurt; that is different. The sad part is is that the evil jealousy is considered normal and that it is unidentified and it causes people to empathize with them when thats not actually the case. there should be a new word for this, "custom" this should a slang word for evil jealousy.

"Mable stole my binders today for school!"
her friend: "thats okay dont be worried shes just jealous she just wants to make you look stupid to you and everyone in class so she can look better."
This Jealousy should be identified as something else; it should be segregated. good/evil jealousy. evil jealousy = "custom person"

by Bazzare September 27, 2020