Well a soul mate to me is, it's someone you love unconditionally and no matter what happens you still love them. You love everything about them and you accept their flaws, and they accept yours too. It's someone you can't imaging living without, it's someone you would do anything for. Someone you would do anything to be with, their the only person you ever want to be with. In fact, the thought of being without them hurts you to even think about. You know nothing will ever be that bad as long as you have them. You feel like you can conquer anything because you have them by your side. They motivate you to be the best you can and you only want the best for them. It's someone you connect with, someone you can depend on. It's the one person you know you can always go to if you need someone to talk to and you can talk to easily, the words just flow out and you don't have to think about what to say because conversation just comes naturally.
My soulmate is Tyler Wilkinson