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Bulls On Parade

A group of fat chicks dressed up, but still messy, to go out and hunt for men.

Dude, check out those bulls on parade. i don't care how drunk it am, don't let me go home with one of them.

by BeachTiffany July 8, 2012

25👍 61👎

List Girl

A girl/woman who has a list of traits and expectations for the men that she dates and will not date a guy if he doesn't have everything on her list.

She's a list girl and he doesn't drive a sports car or have a white collar job so, she won't date him.

by BeachTiffany July 8, 2012

5👍 3👎

Man Shape

When you are drunk and you really can't see anymore. You know the guy in front of you is a man but he only appears to be a shape without a face.

Did you see what the guy looked like who I was making out with last night? I can't remember but I know he was a man shape.

by BeachTiffany June 25, 2012

4👍 1👎