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Hey that's me! Hi I'm beastmode1158 a small streamer who wants you to be happy! you don't have to watch me or follow me, just have a good day! bye

Beastmode1158 wishes you a good day

by Beastmode1158 November 2, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

am i dead?

yes, you are dead so deal with! I'm just kidding, you're dead but you are reliving your life right now. Now that i think about it, shouldn't you be doing something else than looking to see if you are dead?

am i dead?

you are dead
Little Timmy: Am i dead Dad?
Big Billy: I don't know son.
Little Timmy: please kill me

by Beastmode1158 October 30, 2020


Jufu is a somewhat known rapper due to tiq toq. His most popular song is "Who R U" with 15 million plays on spotify! Other popular songs he has made are "What's The Vibe?" and "Just Do It". Right now I would consider him a dying one hit wonder with potential. He has talent, but isn't showing much of it. Some of his songs seem like they were just thrown together and didn't take any effort. Then, there seems to be songs that are the complete opposite of that, which do ok or blow up a bit. Like I said, Jufu does have potential to turn this decline in his popularity into an increase, but he has to try harder. Even though he not doing that great right now, I'm still a fan of music!

Person 1: "Have you heard about Jufu?"
Person 2: "Yeah, he's the dude from tiq toq right?"
Person 1: "Yep, you try to listen to his music!"
Person 2: "I'll listen to it and tell you what I think."

by Beastmode1158 November 12, 2020

2020 election

ok, I'm back again after the election! THIS ELECTION DIDN'T END FOR 4 DAYS!!!! 4 FUCKING DAYS!!!! sorry for yelling.... anyways, Biden won and everyone was parading and stuff. I didn't care at all. LIKE I SAID BEFORE THEY ARE BOTH ASSHOLES!!

The 2020 election caused Trump to send nukes to the eastern hemisphere. Now bears rule Russia after the war between Russia and France/Britain. Also everyone in Italy is dead due to radiation.

by Beastmode1158 November 9, 2020

17πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

2020 election

its been going on for 2 days now and it's a close call to make and it's really fucking annoying how much of a big deal it is. THEY ARE BOTH ASSHOLES! HOW DO PEOPLE NOT RELIZE.

The 2020 election is what started world war 4. World War 3 was started because Britain and France fucked up Russia for bear abuse.

by Beastmode1158 November 4, 2020

23πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

i see trees of green

really? How did you not notice the red roses too? Also did you hit your head because you should be saying "I see green trees." You are dumb.

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

there you go, you got to see some the song.

by Beastmode1158 November 4, 2020

I am you

I am you and you are me. If I am you does that mean you and me are me? Are we I? Who are we?

I am you

by Beastmode1158 November 2, 2020