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Used to be the classroom for the mentally challenged at Gage Middle School and is now used when people make stupid mistakes or act dumb.

You dropped your ipod in the toilet? man.. you're such an 804.

by Becca April 10, 2005

24πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

verbal rape

see face rape

verbally raping someone with vulgar words

and then he totally verbal raped me

by Becca January 20, 2005

15πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


a ladiez vag or a mans dong

oi sexy let me lick ur lollipop

by Becca April 13, 2005

99πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž


to have a tiger, prefferably a white one, ass rape a miggy. person.

The tiger at the zoo ferociously sigmondfreuded miggy, as Becca squealed with glee.

by Becca January 5, 2005

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


german for dad

i love my vati!

by Becca January 4, 2004

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A freak of nature; they are closely tied to weird obsessions or behavior.

Stacey was a fon because she had long stringy hair that she never combed or washed.

by Becca June 8, 2003

12πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


someone you dont like

or a stupid boob

talkin to some 1 you dont like - your a fartkus

by Becca September 12, 2004

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž