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Stacey is a shortening for the Greek name Anastasia, meaning; Rebirth, resurrection, etc.

Staceys tend to be beautiful, geeky, and eccentric girls. She's not too flashy, not too preppy. But she doesn't throw on dirty clothes like she doesn't care. She's a little self conscious about her body, but that doesn't stop her smiles. She's positive, a great influence on others around her, and you know that someday, she'll be a great mother.

But be careful of her temper. She doesn't lose it often, but once you cross the line, she freaks.

Other spellings are Stacy, Staci, and Stacee.

Wow, that girl is so different that she MUST be a Stacey!

by nightmarish_shadows July 22, 2010

1995๐Ÿ‘ 449๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful woman with a lot of high energy, Staceys handle themselves with class and sophistication. They are loyal partners and will treat you how you treat them. Never underestimate a Stacey though because she will show you up every time. She is a genuine lady with a voluptuous body and amazing eyes. She has style and grace and wonderful taste.

I love that coach bag its definitely a stacey

by Legitimate top dank December 21, 2016

322๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


The origin of this name is unearthly.
She is perhaps of Angelic descent.

This gives her unhuman like qualities of being overly kind, far too generous, sweet. She has an over abundance of kindness and higher level positive frequency vibes.
Being in her presence resigns you to feeling utterly safe, she is a mumma hen; regardless of age. Her warmth and wisdom leaves you in a state of being disarmed and secure.

Her laughter tinkles in the air like delicate rainfall and her humour expands all possible levels.

There are no known faults with Stacey other than being in such high demand, she can't see ALL her friends often enough.

There is no higher honour then her friendship.

Oh you are such a Stacey....

THANK YOU... wow you must really like me to say that!

by AllyyyBear March 13, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The correct way to spell Stacy.

Stacey sounds better with an e.

by StaceyTAwesome February 24, 2009

2867๐Ÿ‘ 799๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stacey is a beautiful and sexy girl! You be so lucky to get a stacey! She has amazing body and stunning eyes! She is your world and loves helping people when they need it ๐Ÿ’• so boys if you get a stacey never let her go or it will be instant regret ๐Ÿ’•


Stacey is a stunner

by Tfbivxfjmvfhjmnvcfgjkncdd March 18, 2020

30๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


She's a girl who is constantly thinking about others and never herself. Great smile. Awesome hair. Party Animal. Good looking. Kind. Selfless. Funny. Loves surrounding herself with close friends and always enjoys life. She's a country girl down to the core and at heart. Loves country music, can get a temper so don't piss her off or get on her bad side. She can ruin your entire day. She has sweet revenge like Taylor Swift. Doesn't get along with most girls. Eyes that will drive you mad and a body that will drive you wild. She's the "it" girl. The guys will love her and the girls will want to be her. She is the girl every one wants to be around.

Why did I let go of Stacey, why did I let her get away.

by CGirlXo26469212 December 2, 2012

553๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž


the most amazing girl there is. .she is beautiful, liked by everyonee and is very outgoing. she is a great friend and people would be lucky to have her in their life. Stacey's are genuine, joyful and assertive. Be careful though Stacey's often surround themselves with people associated with the mob. Keep one eye open.


by watermelon605 November 23, 2012

437๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž