Source Code

The Penis Game

A humorous, albeit inappropriate, game involving a minimum of two people. One person will whisper penis while the second male or female will whisper it louder. The game will continue until the person who says "Penis" the loudest gets caught. That person loses while the rest of the participants win.

Person1: Hey, do yall wanna play The Penis Game?
Person2: penis
Person3: Penis
Person3: PENIS
Person4: PENIS!
Person1: PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!

Teacher/ Assistant Principal: That's a detention to you. Get your butt over here, so we may paddle you!

Rest of the students: -Whistling with innocence-

by BeerChuggin'German June 13, 2010

105πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Platonic Marriage

A marriage between two or more people in which none of the partners have sexual intent; main purpose for a Platonic Marriage may be to gain access to the other's financial supply

Man1: Yo. I wanna marry you, sexy.

Woman1: Yeah right. You just want my money, you cunt!

Man1: Hey hey! I don't want your money, I want you!

Woman1: Ok, but if this is a Platonic Marriage where my sexual needs are not met, then I will drop you!

by BeerChuggin'German August 6, 2009

31πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A common Dutch durname.

@m3ric@n dud3: "Yoz! That'z my homez Gary Van Zi. No wait, it's Twain Van Pel. No, no, no... It's Berkeley Van Order!"

Dutch Kid: "Actually, it's Mark van Edgar."

by BeerChuggin'German September 7, 2009

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


An emoticon for an Asian female's pussy. Can be combined with 8====D for AIM humor. xP

PersonOnAIM1: Hey Mitch.

Mitch: Wazup, Juan?

Ten Minutes later...

Juan: Hey! Look at this! LOL. 8====D <>

by BeerChuggin'German November 2, 2008

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

1/2X+7 Rule

A algebraic equation useful for determining the youngest age-cutoff a female may be before the guy dates her. Let X equal the male's age ( Or female, if she's older.), while Y will represent the youngest age of a female a guy may date.

Next, identify the male's age and replace "X" with it. Suppose Jim was 15. We write it like this:


Now, the Order of Operations principal applies here! Divide one by the two to get one half, and then find half of fifteen. Don't forget to keep the seven; It would be disgusting if Jim dated a 7.5 year old!


Add the number, matching up the place value carefully, and there you have it; Jim may date a 14.5 year old girl if he went for younger women.

If you are shit at math and/ or the 1/2X+7 Rule, here's a table for you, you lazy fucktards.

Male: Female:

15 14.5
16 15
17 15.5
18 16
19 16.5
20 17

Etc... So on, and so on. The coefficient is 1/2, while the constant is 7.

by BeerChuggin'German May 23, 2010

37πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

i r t3h pwnz0r

A retarded, nooby way of saying "I am the best" by inserting unnecessary characters and raping the the Proper English language. Most likely found in chatrooms where roleplaying is concerned, though forums, portals, and even actual written documents are starting to become victims of leet-chat.

n00bl3t: i r t3h pwnz0r!!!11111!!!!!1.....!!!!!111111

Elite: Shut the fucking hell up, fucker! You are melting my damn eyeballs by typing it one hundred times!

by BeerChuggin'German June 19, 2010

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya Kuchiki, also known as Captain Kuchiki in short, is one of the characters in the Bleach series. In the early episodes, he was responsible for nearly killing Ichigo Kurosaki when Ichigo was about to finish off Renji. In combat, he always appears calm and rarely appears surprised. He's the Captain of the Sixth Division.

Person I: "Damn. That Byakuya Kuchiki is the bomb!"

Person II: "No shit, dude. He makes me wanna fuck him."

Person I: "Homo!"

by BeerChuggin'German July 31, 2008

177πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž