He is like a wolf, both lonely and extrovert, and will always protect his relatives without hesitation. Geza means "the Master, the Prince, the Lord"; it is usually worn by the eldest of the most powerful families in Eastern Europe and the former German Roman Empire.
Very intelligent and curious, he is loyal and completely trustworthy. People confide in him easily because of his large, beautiful eyes, and his deep gaze leads people to confide in him without any filters. He is very intense and passionate in his relationships, but he can easily erase you from his life if you betray him.
His magnetic beauty doesn't always make universality, but the people drawn to him intensely and deeply are actually far more numerous than you might think.
He can be very dangerous, but he doesn't want to hurt people; when he is really happy, you will have the best day of your life in his company.
He enjoys taking risks, and contrary to what those around him think of him, he can't stand procrastination.
He is gifted in art, communication and psychology where he excels. He attracts a deaf jealousy, which can create a lot of tension during his teenage years or between people of his age.
He is absolutely unique, and losing him usually means never finding someone like him.
Boys called Geza have a behavior and a state of mind reminiscent of three astrological signs: Aries, Leo and Scorpio. They are usually more close to these astrological signs than to their actual sign.
Geza, Gheza, Gueza, Gesa : he is unique, like a diamond
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