To be Romantic: To embody a certain ideal as a partner, or to be creative and innovative in a relationship.
In general a view on love, based on novells from the 18th century which introduced the concept of wordlove/word.
In current standards often outdated.
"That picnic was so romantic!!"
"He can be so romantic sometimes!"
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A group of persons who misuse computer knowlegde to gain access to a computing system, leaving a trail of destruction behind.
Mostly confused with the term wordhacker/word, hackers/word.
A cracker would also design software like a wordcrack/word, wordtrojan/word or wordvirus/word.
Mostly in the desire to spread fear and feel powerfull, intelligent; in reality seeking attention, status from fellow 'crackers'.
See also wordscriptkiddie/word
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Slang for the term "Daddy fucker", which identifies you as a female who has sexual intercourse with your father. (as opposed to being a male, having intercourse with your mother, or "mofo" - "Mother Fucker".)
"Hey, you. Dafo! You are the fashizzle!"
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The wordexperience/word, perception of what one believes to be real or to wordexistword.
Mostly based on human senses; vision, hearing, feeling, smell or taste.
Sometimes based on a extention of the above, formed by wordreasoning/word or wordlogic/word.
"This virtual reality is soo cool."
"After the matrix, reality doesn't quite seem so real anymore."
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A disorder which affects the wordpsyche/word of the mental state of a person.
Often a result of an instable environment, abuse, or heavy stress.
Defined in the wordDSM-IV/word
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Shorter for wordHDD/word
A Hard Drive.
"My HDB just wont boot up! no prob's with my HDA though.."
"You aren't ready for Linux, just not yet. Try to boot from your wordFD/word0"
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A piece of software to gain access to a computing system, while the owner isn't aware of it's existence.
Often introduced in a system hidden in an appealing looking free paquage or a free game.
In essence the same principle as the "Trojan horse" which Odysseus used to conquer Troy.
"I planted a trojan in her system, I even have access to her webcam now!"
"You really should get a life, dude!"
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