What an absolute GOAT. She is the type of friend who is amazing in person and halfway across the world. Amy is the absolute life of the party and she makes sure that everyone is having fun. She is an extrovert who will adopt a bunch of introvert baby friends and get them to do crazy fun stuff. She is honest and genuine and caring. She cares about her friends, she hypes them up, she fights for them. Amys have so many sides- they are funny, creative, athletic, but overall just some bada$$ b1tches.
Person: Did you go to that lame party?
Other person: Yeah, it sucked because Amy wasn't there
Laughing My F*cking Bell Pepper *ss Off.
An expression used by people who love bell peppers and would like to become one, but they cannot. Therefore they just laugh at the absurd injustice of life.
My friend told a joke and I responded by LMFBPAO