Source Code


A course that James Rolfe (The angry video game nerd)'s daughter made, It was extremely hard and can be used to represent hard challenges.

Man 1. Hey dude, what's the matter? Man 2. I'm facing a şButṭöṇṅṇẏuÿzzzỏṙủuẏœṫṭṭşṙōōšÿ. Man 1. Jesus chysler building that's tough!

by Beltbucklebystander January 23, 2021

Sleater kinney

The road that is part neighborhood, part retail jugular vein. It had a mall as a pit stop on the road, but that got “converted” into a target. Most of the road after you exit Lacey is just neighborhoods and trees. Normal Washington environment if you ask me

Ayo I found donut place on sleater Kinney that’s the BOOMB man!

by Beltbucklebystander April 27, 2021

Salish Middle School

The middle school that all the retards got sent to instead of anywhere else in Lacey & Olympia. Most of the boys here are either transsexual men, football jocks, or nerds. Girls on the other hand are becoming a dying faction since every girl either is a overly apparent transsexual man or a non-binary whatever. The small denominator of girls however are annoying or as rude as a rotten egg. Most of them spread either gossip or join in with the men during class to annoy the teacher to the point of sheer fury. During most periods, the rambunctious yahoos of the classes either fire up their chromebook and go onto "Unblocked games number 01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011" or just constantly make innuendos and annoying jokes the entire time and never do anything else. Now that I've listed a lot about the people, lets share somethings about the school itself. There were reports of pot use, a guy jumped off the second story railing, everyone hates each other, and the anti-bullying system here is as non-existent as Russel's Teapot, and seemingly everyone is bullied here. Now, with all the cons I've listed here, you might think "Hey, there must be a silver lining.", and you'd be right. The food here is good at best, and that's the one thing we all like here.

My friend is ditching Salish Middle School

by Beltbucklebystander November 10, 2021

STAR 101.5

The worst radio station this side of the south sound.

Gordon: Ayyo lemme turn on STAR 101.5
Barney: *Shoots Gordon*

by Beltbucklebystander June 25, 2021

Laser caution

Laser caution Laser caution Laser caution Laser caution Laser caution Laser caution Laser caution, what could it mean?

P1: ayoo Jim check out thi-Laser caution
Jim: Laser caution laser caution

by Beltbucklebystander July 16, 2021

Middle school humor

An infectious disease spread among the middle schools of the entire world. Symptoms include: Moaning, the phrase "Can I get a hi-ya", unfunny sex jokes, acting like a homosexual, continuous uttering of the phrase "Sussy Baka", constant interruptions, etc. If you know a person infected with this disease, contact your Priest, Rabbi, Minister, or Ayatollah to be blessed or exorcised.

Hey Jim, I heard that Randall J. caught middle school humor. He spread it, so all the religious leaders are booked.

by Beltbucklebystander November 10, 2021


A small town right next to Dupont. Its basically the Fayetteville of Washington except its not as big. Half of the town is golf courses and strip malls, and half of the towns population is made up of GI's. And one of its only redeeming qualities is that we have a frisbee golf course and we have a band named after a road next in the middle of strip mall boogaloo.

D1: I'm moving to fort louis. D2: Lemme guess, your living in Lacey. D1: Yes...., But at least there's a bunch of golf courses and shops!

by Beltbucklebystander February 8, 2021