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An idealistic old school definition of a romantic relationship: When two youthful adults, often of the opposite sex, based on their judgment of compatibility and attraction, agreed to move up from dating /courting status into a stage of hope that they can help fulfill each other through adventures to grow together and individually.

The beginning is always a high, but if the good energy isn't honestly, constructively used by both parties with right care, the fun won't last long.

It is an emotionally hard loss when it often fails without fruition, but something indispensable to go after in life's pursuit of happiness, just as is finding one's life work. Getting over this pain is smoother when the breaking up ex is actually smart & kind, and/or the broken up receives compassionate support over time.

If one who manages to make way with finding their true best gets to encounter another one who also has character, and they resonate that with flowing chemistry to overcome obstacles, the elusive sparkly lasting love might just be in reach, leading to better things.

His first relationship had some attraction and length, but failed because neither party was took care nor matured enough.

Though he was crushed after the second relationship failed, she fortunately left him with helpful lessons for his future relationships, and sent him home to reconnect with his family.

They seem to be a match and could have a good relationship with their consistent work ethics and sense of balance.

by BenShino-san September 1, 2008

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