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Hot n’ Halp

When you need help with something and whoever was supposed to help you has left temporarily. Usually used when it’s during hot weather, but it could also be used rhetorically to say that you’re in hot shit.

*Putting up a tree in Christmas time.*

Ben on a chair stacked with boxes holding the tree for balance : Hey lawn can you hand me another ugly Christmas ornament that we need 200 of.

Lawn: Yeah sure, let me check what’s in the bag of infinite storage in a convenient nymph thigh colored foldable tote.

Ben: It’s pink, but okay QVC. Hit me.

Ben: …

Ben: Hot n’ Halp!

Lawn: Sorry I was trying to tell the guy under my bed that I’m going to fart.

Ben: Don’t forget to make sure he ain’t messing with your chicken wings.

by Bennehftw January 16, 2023

Ben song

A subset of music that spans multiple genres. This music tends to be able to bring heavy passion out of a person when played, chills and tears are normal. A good percentage of the songs are about love and are pop/edm based, but they can span death metal, classical, and R&B.

Almost certainly, the best way to say it is that if you play it in public, your masculinity will be questioned, as well as your sexual preferences, or at the very least, your mental state. For what possible reason does someone play all of these songs?

Because they’re in need of something that cannot be grasped in any way other than song.

**Plays bitch music**

Friend: What the fuck is this shit? Are you gay?

Ben song listener: Oh shit, my bad, must’ve been an ad or something.

Friend: We don’t play Ben songs in this car, gtfo.

by Bennehftw June 21, 2021


When something is so funny that it makes you choke from laughing, which leads to you purging some of the contents of your stomach and it drizzles out of your nose.

Lawn: I wish I knew how to read so I could pay attention to the context of your texts.

Ben: Sorry to hear about your moms skydiving accident.

Lawn: *laughs and coughs violently*

Ben: You alright?

Lawn: *vomits Wiley Wallaby licorice out of nose*

Lawn: Now that was smellarious.

by Bennehftw January 7, 2023


A word used to call out someone who got caught in their own lie. Therefore trapping them in a corner.

To explain the definition in fencing: The term Liement is used in fencing as an action in which one fencer forces the opponent's blade into the diagonally opposite line by forcing the handle and forte (lower end of the sword) to the ground.

You’ve cornered them in a such a lie that you’ve brought their forte to heel.

Lie - ment.

Ben: Hey, do you know where all the letter L in my spaghetti-O’s went?

Lawn with L’s dripping down her chin: No, the chimpanzees must’ve escaped from the zoo and hijacked a self driving Tesla to our house.

Ben: Liement.

by Bennehftw December 24, 2022


A variation of the word jawn for those who’s name starts with the letter L. Only permitted for residences of the greater Philadelphia area or Delaware valley region.

Ben: Yo Lawn, you left your chin hair tweezers in my pecan smoked tilapia again.

Lauren: Sorry, I just saw a podcast about another irrelevant court case and forgot that I left my kids at Wawa.

by Bennehftw November 19, 2022


A misspelling of Luigi due to the fact that his brother’s name starts with an M. If the pattern is followed, Luigi’s name would start with M.

(W)ario (M)ario

(W)aluigi (M)uigi

It’s a me, Maweeji. Imda real name. Whoever da named me Luigi is a Wastupid. Issa da Muigi.

by Bennehftw November 14, 2022


Variation of the word Nawmean, which is turn is a variation of the phrase do you know what I mean?

Used when you’re looking for a word to roll off the tongue. Also used to hiddenly slide in the phrase anal, telling the person they’re being a sphincter for their sarcastic response.

Ben: Hey, what am I supposed to do with this rock?

Lawn: You’re supposed to rub it in the air and pretend it does something, nasmeanus?

Ben: “Unicorn face”

by Bennehftw December 5, 2022