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The Holacaust was the attempt of Nazi Germany during WWII to kill every single Jew, homosexual, Roma, disabled, Russian POW's, and many many other minorities. 6 million Jews were killed and 5 million Roma, gay, disabled, and other peopel who Hitler claimed were "inferior"were killed. 11 million in total. I am of a Jewish family. All my grandparents were in the Holacaust. Just my grandma alone- she came from a family of almost 100 people. Of those original 100- my grandma and 3 others survived. And for those of you who deny the holacaust- where did 96 people just from my grandma's family alone go? Where they shipped off the planet? Whatever happened to them?
And for those who say that Germans should be ashamed that they are Germans because of Hitler is strictly unfair. Not every German soldier actually believed in Nazi ideas. Many of them did, yes, and supported the "Final Solution". All soldiers had to fight, and I honestly dont believe every German supported the horrible acts of their government.
It is also a personal theory of mine that neo-Nazis deny the holacaust because they recognize what a terrible thing the holacaust was, and they dont want to believe that the people they admire and believe in could do such a thing. Once again, I am from a Jewish family, and my grandparents went through the holacaust- and so this is probably the most fair definition you will ever get.

During the holocaust 11 million were killed.
Hitler wanted to kill off evey single Jew, Gypsy, homosexual, disabled, Russian POW, some American POW's, and other minorities.
At the end, Hitler killed himself like a little pussy. The Neurenberg(sp?) Trials tryed nazi officials for crimes against humanity and war crimes. One of the main focuses of the Trials was the holocaust.

by BertromCates April 7, 2007

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