When an old and arrogant company or industry rails against new technology because they are afraid of change and lost profits and then loses market share or goes bankrupt because of their attitude.
A reference to the 1999 Napster snafu, in which illegally downloaded music brought the music industry to its knees and forever changed its face. Smart companies that saw the opportunity for profit in the new filesharing were not Napstered.
"These crazy book publishers are about to get Napstered if they don't start selling ebooks for reasonable prices."
"We own the market now, and our old competition got Napstered when they wasted all their energy fighting change."
"Apple is a company that saw an opportunity and took it. Too bad everyone else just got Napstered."
A phantom sleeper virus installed on every single PC when it is made. Exactly 2 years after you activate your new PC, the Ghost in the Machine awakens and takes over, slowly destroying it until it no longer turns on.
Symptoms of a Ghost in the Machine include: flickering, forgetfulness, random restarts, a frozen screen comorbid with a persistent hourglass, and random deletion of important files. You may also encounter multiple "errors" and be asked to solve problems you don't know how to solve. Customer support usually pleads ignorance when you call their 1-800 number.
Teacher: "Where is your homework?"
Student: "The Ghost in the Machine spooked it and I can't find it now."
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WIM stands for "woe is me." The abbreviated form of WIM is used online only. The phrase is used to convey to someone that you are sad, upset, and/or are in a rough spot. "Woe is me" is a somewhat archaic phrase, but it is quite useful. Use it if FML (fuck my life) is just too strong for your situation.
Girl 1: "I dropped my phone into the toilet."
Girl 2: "Really? That sucks!"
Girl 1: "Yeah, and I had just taken a crap."
Girl 2: "OMG!"
Girl 1: "Yeah. WIM. ;*("
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