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A slur that is used against LGBT people. It has been reclaimed by some, but not all.

It is not an umbrella term, it is a personal choice whether to identify with it or not, if you are L, G, B or T.

A: I identify as queer!
B: Me too!
C: Me three!
D: I do too!
E: I don't, I am a lesbian, not a qu*er.
A: I respect that! I'm bisexual, and have personal trauma with the slur.
B: I'm a butch lesbian, and calling myself queer makes me less sensitive to the slur.
C: I'm a trans gay man, and I personally like it for myself

D: I'm a cisgender heterosexual aromantic! Qu*er, here, get used to it!
A: dude literally shut the fuck up. That slur has never been used against you. That rally cry is from the AIDS crisis. You're a disgusting person for appropriating it, asshole.

B, C and E: not cool, D, you homophobe.

by BiNotQueer May 8, 2019

2👍 70👎


A sex repulsed asexual. It is not an orientation on its own, it's a type of asexuality denoting whether or not you like to fuck. It's still asexuality.

A: I'm bisexual aromantic.
B: I'm an aromantic apothisexual ace.
A: What the fuck? MOGAI much?
B: No, no, I know it's not an orientation in its own, it's just part of my asexuality. Many cupios (opposite of apothi) make it seem like you have to want to fuck if you're ace, and hating sex is a very important part of my identity.
A: Oh, I suppose that makes sense. It's a bit weird to tell strangers your personal feelings towards sex, though.
B: I guess lmao. I also know that it doesn't make me LGBT, I'm just an ally.
A: thank you, legend.

by BiNotQueer May 8, 2019

18👍 130👎


A type of bisexuality where one's preferences change frequently. An abro might be exclusively attracted to boys one day, and then girls only another. It's not a choice, but it's not a separate orientation, like pansexuality, it is a type of bisexuality.

A: Would you ever date Robyn?
B: No, I'm not really into girls right now.
A: I thought you were bi?
B: Yeah, but I'm also abrosexual.
A: Oh

by BiNotQueer May 8, 2019

80👍 274👎


A subset of bisexuality where one is attracted regardless of gender.

A: I'm bisexual!
B: Lit, me too! I also identity as pansexual, because it better describes my personal attraction.
A: Cool! I only identify as bi, but I respect that.

by BiNotQueer May 8, 2019

3👍 12👎