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Justin Bieber

A 17 year old kid who is just living his dream and shouldn't be hated on for it. All the other definitions of Justin Bieber on here are rude and no one should say those things about him. 1st of all, he does NOT sound like a little girl. His voice has changed dramatically and he can still sing amazingly. 2. He is not gay! he's dating selena gomez...and i know if your a guy reading this, your jealous because of that. 3. Don't say he's not talented, because obviously he IS. If he wasn't, Usher wouldn't of signed him and he wouldn't be where he is today. Don't hate on him just because he is actually making something out of his life, while you are just sitting behind your computer saying all these nasty rude comments. Its easy to hate on people who are majorly successful from behind a computer, but would you ever walk up to someone with much much more success in their life then you and start hating on them like you do to Justin? No. So everyone should really stop hating, let this kid live his dream, and give him props for working hard everyday to make his dream come true unlike alot of people today who don't even try. THANKS.

Me: AHH he is such a good singer and is soo sweet and funny!
Jillian: He must be a Justin Bieber!<3

by BieberSupport March 25, 2011

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