Region between anus and genitals, also knwn as the taint, home of the smell centre.
The cross bar on his bike hit him right on his biffins bridge
95👍 71👎
Situated on the Biffins Bridge or taint this is the area where the sweat for both the genitals and rectum accumulates producing a smell of great magnitude.
That smells worse than a fat mans smell centre.
20👍 12👎
When taking a crap the water in the toilet splashes up striking your anus or your biffins bridge
You better pray you dont get plash damage if your taking a dump in a chemical loo
22👍 8👎
A move perfomed by only the most talented, a lucky barry is a poo where toilet paper is only required for the sakes of posterity, it is in essense the perfect mess free crap.
There was no bog roll in the shitter, thank god I pulled I Lucky Barry.
49👍 4👎
Perfomred by only the most skilled, a lucky barry is a crap where bog roll is only required for posterity, in essence its the perfect crap with no mess. Handy when attempting to take a crap in the woods.
There was no bog roll in the shitter, thank god it was a lucky barry.
19👍 4👎