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L.A. Looks

A low cost hair gel typically used by teenage boys who incorrectly believe that its liberal application will increase female attention.

Person A: Bro, what is that in your hair? L.A. Looks??

Person B: Ima eat yo butt dude!

by Big poppa 62353456 January 31, 2018

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Good dude

Originally used to describe a "stand up guy" or mensch, this term can also be used to describe things or states of being that are socially lauded or praised by the majority of society.

Person 1: Did you ever notice that being pro-LGBT rights is a good dude these days?

Person 2: Oh yeah. Being pro-LGBT rights is a VERY good dude.

by Big poppa 62353456 July 3, 2017

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Act out

A standup comedy term used to describe a portion of a comic's set in which he physically and/or using a character's voice describes the character in the joke.

My favorite part about Seinfeld's set was the act out of the dumb flight attendant.

by Big poppa 62353456 August 16, 2016

12πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A portmanteau of the words "chill" and "relax", meaning to relax purposefully and intentionally.

I'm so stressed right now all I want to do is go home and chillax with a small bottle of pinot grigiot and a big 'ol bag of Funyons. Hopefully this intense chillaxing will lead to a genuine relaxation experience, during which time I might actually be able to let go of my cares and worries, for example, whether I'll be successful in my upcoming eviction trial; whether my sexual indiscretions warrant additional STD screenings; or whether my chronic unemployment is due to my own ineptitude and laziness rather than the systemic issues with labor market.

by Big poppa 62353456 December 2, 2016

Fuck ye

An old timey version of fuck you.

Ima fuck ye quite hardee.

by Big poppa 62353456 September 25, 2018

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Country Mood

Sexual desire for people the same gender by those living in rural areas that is not considered as "gay" because it is experienced in the state of nature, outside of a heteronormative context.

I'm in a country mood. Ima eat yo butt, dude.

by Big poppa 62353456 January 28, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Early morning riser

A person who wakes up early in the morning. The title of a Pure Prairie League song from 1972.

I think that one of the keys to my success is that I am an early morning riser. Because of this, I tend to associate mostly with other early morning risers. We drink coffee together.

by Big poppa 62353456 December 2, 2016