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A word used in a disagreement to replace a long explanation of why the other person is dead wrong.

"Hey man, I don't think we should do another tequilla shot, I can barely stand as is."

"I can't go to the club tonight, I've got work early tomorrow."

by BigJ246 November 12, 2009

15👍 73👎


1. The art of being a cocksucker.

2. The act of belittling someone for one's own amusement.

3. Pertaining to acts of pretentious bullshit.

There's no denying that fact that you're an asshole, but your futile attempt of cocksuckery does not phase me (2).

I really enjoyed that play, but there was a little too much cocksuckery going on for my taste (3).

by BigJ246 November 12, 2009

24👍 5👎