From the ages of 4 to 18 the government forces you to spend between 6 and 8 hours in the godforsaken hellhole!
It may help education but rest assured, if you no like learning this no the for the place for you. No go if no want learn! No go if no want educationated! No go full stop! Just no go!
Victor went to skewl. Victor hated skewl. Victor still stayed at skewl. Victor hated life and skewl. Victor drew drawings in skewl. Victor failed skewl. Victor went homeless. Victor died alone. GO TO SKEWL (School)
1) Small particles that float around us
2) The Twin Towers after the planes hit them
3) Your nan
4) Your first ever childhood dog that you loved so dearly with ALL your heart and soul. You loved that dog more than anything and did anything for that animal, but now itâs gone! Dust! Get over it! There will be other dogs!
You dumbass! Itâs spelt Stupid!
The word is Stupid not Schewpid!
While some may mistake this word for a name. It is actually a result of mewwing!
Chad means sexy specimen of a jawline.
Tim: Heâs got a very prominent Chad!
Jeff: That is so inappropriate! Why would you say something like that?!
Tim: Do you not see it? His jawline is very sharp?
Jeff: Ohhhh jawlineâ¦
Tim: What did I think you said? Creep!
Jeff: Uhmmmmmm
While some may mistake this word for a name. It is actually a result of mewwing!
Chad means sexy specimen of a jawline.
Tim: Heâs got a very prominent Chad!
Jeff: That is so inappropriate! Why would you say something like that?!
Tim: Do you not see it? His jawline is very sharp?
Jeff: Ohhhh jawlineâ¦
Tim: What did I think you said? Creep!
Jeff: Uhmmmmmm