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Robert Deniro

1) Verb: To Robert Deniro is to ruin your badass reputation by choosing to do soft or silly things, perhaps (but not necessarily) to make money. To sell out.

Origin: Robert Deniro was once a badass and respectable actor, showcasing his skills in films like "Raging Bull" and "The Godfather Part II". He then decided to do stupid comedies like "Meet the Parents" and it all went downhill from there, culminating in his latest embarrassment "Dirty Grandpa".

2. Noun: A Robert Deniro is someone who used to be a badass that everyone admired but, through bad choices, has become a lameass disappointment.

1. Verb: Al Pacino has begun to Robert Deniro his career with films like "Jack and Jill"

2. Noun: I knew that Senator Elizabeth Warren had become a Robert Deniro when she refused to endorse fellow progressive Senator Bernie Sanders for President. When she finally endorses corporate neocon Hillary Clinton, I'll know that her transformation is complete. What a shame.

by BigOwlLittleCat June 9, 2016

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