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A sad period of time in a married man's life when he simply doesn't get any action from the wife and is essentially (paused). This usually (though not specifically) occurs in middle age. But depending on the situation can occur at any point in time if the man is not careful.

Sadly (assuming sad..) the married 'manopaused' man therefore has no choice but to seek alternative sources of extra marital fulfillment, if successful he becomes (un-paused) but is now in serious risk of extreme excitement resulting in vastly improved looks, healthier eating, great ideas, amazing productivity, and general 'teenage' like behavior after which then carries the risk of 'getting caught'. Assuming he even has the confidence to even dare to attempt this bold move in the first place the first section of this applies. If not then,

He simply accepts he is 'manopaused', and lives the life of a eunuch

"Ah man, look at that dude over there, he looks so pent up, he must be manopaused, I sure hope he went with option 1 :)"

"I saw a dude today in the supermarket, I could just tell by all those shopping bags he had been manopaused.. I saw option 2 written all over him"

by Bigabongo June 11, 2020

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