Competitive play
Whats needed
-2 bottle caps minimum
-2 mouse traps
-each player has a drink to sip
-a handle of shot worthy alcohol
2 traps on each side of a pong tabel
Finger length for the trap (right angle for thubm)
2 people on each team
Each person gets a throw
Throwing rules:
-If you hit the trap without setting it off your team does not drink
-If you hit the trap twice, the other team drinks
-If you set off the trap the other team takes a shot.
-If you miss both of your throws your team drinks only if the other team tells you too take a drink before the that team throws there first bottle cap
Win condition
- you win when you hit the trap off 3 times
Extra rules
- when dart board is available
- when a trap is set off the team that did not set off the trap can choose to shot a bulls eye. Each player on that team takes two throws at the board. If you land the bulls eye you take the point and do not have to take a shot. If you miss all 4 throws, both places take 2 shots
Hey man lets play some Bottle Ratt