Source Code


an abbriviation of fa shem
An Italian curse that means 'sperm of the devil'

Jamie Oliver Fa-shem

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003

48πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Jack Osbourne

fat little shit who labours under the mis-aprehenshion that he is hard.
his dad is a total geezer though

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003

83πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Aston Martin

the car of choice for gangsta rappers such as Jay z and P-diddy
made in the most un-gangsta rap place on earth-Newport Pagnell

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003

53πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


Naples, the Liverpool (and therefore armpit) of Italy

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003

21πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


a sport mainly played in the U.K by private school girls
funnily enough considered very macho in the US

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 9, 2003

61πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

Daily Mail

a newspaper that, along with the Sun, sums up all that is wrong with the UK today
mainly read by lower middle class snobs who beleive every word printed in this piece of poisonous filth and therefore form their opinion of the world from it

the mail-wouldnt wipe me arse with it

by Bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003

602πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


see mexican barbecue

by Bigmeuprudeboy October 7, 2003

43πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž