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When the elements of boredom and curiosity combine to produce some haircuts that would never see the light of day if there wasn’t a pandemic on the cards.

The indefinite length of quarantine, the closing of beloved trim locations and isolation from significant others spur some creations that would see a barber having to hand in their P45 under normal circumstances.

Hair professionals look away, as dodgy trims, uneven hairlines and unfortunate scalp reveals expose themselves and the rookies that produce them for who they truly are.

“Dad, have you ever wondered what I would look like with a buzz cut?”

“No son, but given this could go on for some time, *razor turned on* should we find out?”

5 minutes and one short walk to the mirror later

“Um... Dad... what the *fuck*... is that...?”

“It’s a coronacut.”


“What are you looking at me like that for?”

by BillMcGill101 March 26, 2020

11👍 1👎